Peace in the midst of war

A note from Pastor Jeff McLain.

We just started 2020, and already the new year has started with increased political and global tension as we woke up to the breaking news of war, missile attacks, and a mixed bag of threats of retaliation and terror.

Additionally, we certainly are wrestling to live on the rocky shores of increased polarization, growing threats of violence, looming economic disaster, and environmental decline. Many are concerned, and many offer solutions at all levels of concern.

Let’s be honest. There are no easy answers. There are no fast solutions. There’s no one right way, or one person who has the right answers, on how to handle and resolve these scary issues and problems.

The growing violence and environmental decline are among my biggest personal concerns. I believe that far too often war has been used as a first resort. Far too often, we have justified the need for violence where another solution was possible. It seems often war is a pawn in the political games of reelection and fear. The same can be said about our approaches to environmental concerns.

A large problem is that there is a decreased ability to listen and discuss, while moving past our experiences and paradigms to creatively work together on these issues from across our divides and differences. More times than not, we have been the puppets of our political parties, political positions, media sources, and our American egocentrism.

As a note for followers of Jesus, when Paul and others declared ‘Jesus is Lord’ they unraveled themselves from the entanglements and entrapping of any political narrative. We must not grow louder before we grow more aware of our own shortness.

The attacks that took place overnight certainly broke my heart, devastated lives on both sides, and failed to look for creative solutions. As a follower of Jesus, I desire the peace God created for the world, and promised eternally, to increase in our time.

These divisive moves can put us at odds with many others, who differ on an issue than we do. Others of us might be overcome with anxiety and fear. For this reason, I remind you of the words Jesus gave his followers, as he was preparing them for his return to heaven. In John 14:23-27, Jesus reminds them to obey and to know his peace;

Jesus answered him, “Those who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and my Father and I will come to them and live with them. Those who do not love me do not obey my teaching. And the teaching you have heard is not mine, but comes from the Father, who sent me.“I have told you this while I am still with you. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you. “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.


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