April Guidelines and Plans for Gatherings

East Petersburg Mennonite Church

April 2021 Guidelines:

-If you are showing possible COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who is showing symptoms, we ask that you do not join in-person gatherings.

-If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or is being tested for COVID-19, we ask that you do not join in-person gatherings. 

Face Coverings We ask you to wear a face-covering as you enter and exit gatherings and when social distancing is not possible. Once you are seated and socially distanced, you may remove your face covering. 

Social Distancing is important when we are gathering together in-person even when wearing a face covering.

Hygiene Please wash your hands, use available hand sanitizers and refrain from touching your face.

April 2021 Plans:

Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings – 9:30am

We will offer in-person and live-streaming of our worship service. Directions for how to link to our worship service virtually will be sent in the weekly email. Audio of our messages will be on our website on Mondays. 

Sunday Morning Connect Groups – 10:30 

There will be no Connect Gathering on Easter Sunday, April 4. On April 11, 18 and 25 we will offer Connect Groups at the church building and via Zoom in connection with our Beneath the Surface series that is exploring emotionally healthy spirituality. Please see your weekly email for more details about Connect Groups and to sign up to be part of a group.

Smaller group gatherings and programs inside the church building

Please make reservations with the church office if you would like to hold a gathering inside the building to determine availability and appropriate room size for your group. Please follow the above guidelines when meeting inside the church building in smaller group settings. 

As smaller groups meet together, we encourage you to have conversations with those present to discern together what is wise for all gathered in regards to wearing masks and social distancing. It is important to honor others by talking about everyone’s needs in the gathered group.


You can connect with some of our most accessed links and resources below.

  1. Watch Live!
  2. Contact & Directions
  3. Subsplash
  4. E-mail Newsletter
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