Collaborative Night of Worship: October, 25, 2019

This Friday (October 25) is our next collaborative night of worship, and it will be taking place at Sanctuary (a Vineyard Church). Originally this night was planned to be at Millersville BIC, but as they walk through some leadership changes, we felt it best to host this one at warm and intimate space offered by Sanctuary (A Vineyard Church). We hope you will plan to gather with us in worship at 7:00 P.M. on Friday, October 25.

These collaborative worship nights began in the Spring of 2019, when three pastors, from three different denominations, sat down together to talk about the ways we might worship together through the efforts of collaboration. As they conversed together, a shared vision and value were birthed to host nights of worship that were focused solely on the passionate worship of God. What emerged from our vision, was these collaborative nights of worship that were focused on worshiping God, in surrender and intimacy, simply because God is God.

Interested in this event? More Information / RVSP on Facebook

Collaborative Night of Worship
Sanctuary Church / M2 Building
3116 Blue Rock Road
Lancaster, PA 17603
7:00 P.M.


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