EPMC November 22, 2020 Plans for In-Person Gatherings

Due to the changes that are happening in community spread of COVID-19 and the new PA state mandates for face coverings and travel, we have needed to make changes to our in-person gathering plans and guidelines. We will now require face coverings to be worn by every person in attendance two years and older for the entirety of our indoor gathered time. Face coverings will be available at our main doors if needed. Please see our letter to the congregation in your weekly email. Copies are also available at the information center in the church lobby.


Keith Blank, Josh Buser, Chelsea Delp, Jonathan Kilheffer, Katrina Shenk, Derrick Stoltzfus

Face Coverings are required to be worn by every person two years and older for any indoor gathering held within our church building. Face Coverings are available at our main entrance for those who do not bring their own.

Members’ Meeting 9am-10am in the Sanctuary

Over the course of 2020, the Church Board and BRIDGE Team have been praying, discerning and working with our church’s governance structures. Both teams are excited to share an update of how we have sensed the Spirit leading in this area. We will gather socially distanced in the sanctuary at 9 a.m. The meeting will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in-person.  An agenda was put in your church mailbox on Sunday, November 15.

Sunday Morning Worship Gathering, 10:10am

  • We will continue to use a donation box, rather than passing an offering plate.
  • We ask that you sit distanced from non-family members in the sanctuary.
  • For those who choose or are unable to attend in-person, our Worship Gatherings are being live-streamed on the East Petersburg Mennonite Church Facebook page. Audio of our messages will also be available on our church website on Mondays. Video is available on YouTube.

Most importantly:

  • If you are showing possible COVID-19 symptoms or have been around someone who is showing symptoms, we ask that you do not join us for in-person gatherings.
  • If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or is being tested for COVID-19, we ask that you make the hard decision to stay home.
  • We ask that you follow the rules of quarantine for travel recommended by our state government.


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  1. Watch Live!
  2. Contact & Directions
  3. Subsplash
  4. E-mail Newsletter
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