From the Desk of Pastor Jeff – July 2018

This note you are reading is something that I hope to start doing every month. I value communication and this letter is just another form of communication from me to you. Recently, HubSpot reported that more than 67% of Americans are using Facebook as their primary source of news. That intrigues me, scares me, and I see it as an amazing opportunity. In an era where Lancaster Newspapers is launching digital subscriptions, books are on Kindles, church newsletters have become e-mails, and church bulletins are disappearing or being replaced by monthly “Worship Folders,’ – then you may wonder why I would launch a monthly note on a piece of paper. While I think there are newer ways of communication that are important and valuable, I also think there is something personal and tangible about a real letter. However, my note will be shared as a blogpost and e-mail update as well.

In addition to this letter, there are other forms of communication in which we continue to use;

  • Two Minute Talks: Weekly Video Devotional released on Tuesdays, for those on Facebook.
  • Church E-mails: Updates shared as needed through our e-mail list.
  • One Call Now: Phone updates for those who do not have e-mail.
  • Bulletin: Weekly document for sermon notes, sharing announcements and help for visitors.
  • Social Media: Regular announcements, articles and invitations on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Website: News, resources, and information. As well as a “Members Section.”
  • Video & Audio Sermons: YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Alexa, our website, and more.
  • Press Releases: Updates to news sources about new sermon series, events, and more.

For me, it has been amazing how far the reach of our communication has spread in our growing church community. In fact, most of our sermon videos on Facebook have been watched over fifty times, and a few of them over a thousand times.  In the past year, our audio sermons have been listened to 8,775 times. On YouTube, most of our sermons are watched a dozen times or more, with one being watched 16,000 times. Our weekly video devotionals onFacebook are receiving over three hundred views. We have over 600 individuals that follow our updates on Facebook, and over 250 individual that follow our updates on Twitter. Our website has received over 45,708 visits since February 2016. For a church community that is just a little over 100 individuals, that is an incredible reach, legacy, and impact. The reach of our communication has grown tremendously. To also put this in perspective, when I started in 2013, our website was just receiving a few hundred visits, we had a phone tree but no email list, no online sermons and we had very minimal interaction (under fifty followers) on social media. That means in five years the reach of our communication has grown exponentially. Recently, I realized the impact of our reach when a worker at the Weis deli asked me about my upcoming spiritual retreat and when a local Mennonite Pastor said to me, “I know more about what is happening at your church then I do my own!” Let’s continue to be ambassadors that communicate the Gospel; as well as our vision, mission, and opportunities.

As we look towards August, the first three Sundays will be our new series, “Alignment.” This is a series investigating the third book of John to see how friendships can keep us aligned with the ways of Jesus. The last Sunday of this month is our Baptism Sunday. That morning we will look at the practice and commitment of Baptism together, followed by the praxis of baptism and a fellowship meal. You can find the information in the Welcome Center. I invite you to join me in prayer for God’s presence and impact on these special mornings.

Personally, I also invite your prayers and support as I begin as a student atFuller Seminary, where I will begin pursuing a Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry. This is going to be a BIG undertaking for me. I am also continuing to slowly study Professional Photography at the New York School of Photography and Biblical Leadership at the Vineyard Institute. Since 2014, I have completed studies in Pastoral Ministry at Eastern Mennonite Seminary and Biblical Studies at Vineyard Institute; as well as Biblical and theological studies with both the Ockenga Institute of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and South African Theological Seminary.

In Article 15 of our Confession of Faith of a Mennonite Perspective we believe that “Christ invites all Christians to minister to each other in the church and on behalf of the church beyond its boundaries.” I love this call to be ambassadors of Jesus to each other and to be ambassadors of our church community in the neighborhood. It goes on to confess that “Christ enables [us] for ministry in response to specific needs and opportunities,” and “Such service is a participation in God’s creative work of building up the body of Christ in love and of witnessing to God’s righteousness in the world.” This echoes Paul as he said in Christ there is a priesthood of all believers. Likewise, in Power Points, author John Wimber comments “Paul does not give the impression that in the Christian life some people are supposed to be players and others are supposed to be spectators. Christians are all players. Some of us might prefer to be spectators because it is safer just to watch. Sometimes it can be fun to watch because it is a good chance to criticize others. It is easier to be a spectator than a participant. But Paul does not give us that option. He indicates that everyone is to participate.” In this growing season of our church, I invite you to ask Jesus about in which ways you might become even more invested in what God is doing with and through us. How might God be asking you to be an ambassador of him and our church in new ways?

I send to you all both my love and blessings,

Pastor Jeff McLain


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