Receive updates by text!

We invite you to receive up to date information from our growing church community by text message. For the past week, East Petersburg Mennonite Church has been using a texting platform called Pastorsline. Pastorsline is a app that allows us to distribute information faster, and communicate with you in a new way – through your cell phone. If your cell phone is in our records, you should have already received updates by text.

This platform will help us:

  • Collect prayer requests and pastoral care needs.
  • Connect and communicate event updates.
  • Send emergency alerts and small groups messages.
  • Engage our community with contests, surveys, and polls.
  • Increase event attendance with event reminders.

We are excited this system will also integrate with other platforms our church community is using – such as Planning Center and Tithely. Please make sure we have your cell phone by registering it with us through the link below.

Register Today!


You can connect with some of our most accessed links and resources below.

  1. Watch Live!
  2. Contact & Directions
  3. Subsplash
  4. E-mail Newsletter
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