Revive Initiative: Reimagining God’s Mission for the Church

On July 7th, we are hosting a free conference on church revitalization, and lunch is included.

Recently, Warren Bird of the Leadership Network reported that 80% of all churches in America are declining or have plateaued. The reality is that most of our churches in Lancaster County also exist in that majority. We find our churches are declining or struggling to thrive. For this reason, it is essential that we continue to find ways to resource our churches in a way that helps revitalize them from a steady decline to an existence that experiences, embodies, and engages God’s Missional call and desire for multiplication.

This is why we are inviting churches and church leaders to reimagine God’s Mission for the church at the upcoming Revive Initiative with Howard and Cathy Wagler. Howard and Cathy have collaborated with resources like Forge America to create Revive; a ministry that provides a learning cohort and coaching for churches, pastors, and leaders who are pursuing revitalization through Missional church transformation and leadership development. Likewise, it is the Mission of Forge America to see the reign of God revealed in the everyday places we live, work and play. Howard and Cathy have developed a tremendous opportunity for leaders to connect with other leaders, to develop their gifts, and to find the resources for both individual and communal transformation to build a sustainable and joy-filled ministry for the present and the future. Additionally, Howard is the Pastor at Journey Mennonite Church; a multi-campus Mennonite Church in Kansas that experienced revitalization, and is focused on welcoming everyone to worship fully, to connect with others, to grow in Christ and serve with passion.

Howard and Cathy will be leading a one-day Revive Initiative at East Petersburg Mennonite Church, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00p.m. on Saturday, July 7, 2018. The day will include teaching, first-hand stories, and more. Throughout the day we will discover the Bible as God’s story of Mission, the Church as a community shaped by God’s Mission, and discipleship as a complete surrender to God and His Mission in the world around us.

We hope you will bring leaders or a team to process with.

Registration is free, and lunch is included!


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